Abstract Submission Guideline

The submission deadline is Sunday, 1 OCT, 2023– 23:59 Riyadh time.

  • The author who will present the paper in case of acceptance, must submit the paper.
  • Abstracts must contain original material neither published nor presented elsewhere prior to the SSNMMI 2023 conference.
  • Abstracts of which only parts of the data had been submitted at other congresses, are allowed for submission.
  • Abstracts concerning a still ongoing study can be submitted.
  • In case of acceptance, it is of course possible to implement latest findings in the final presentation.
  • Submissions of different studies by the same one author/author group are allowed.
  • You should receive the submission confirmation email for your abstract on your email included in the abstract submission (Please check also your junk folder).
  • Uncomplete submission after the abstract submission deadline will not be considered for the review process.
  • After the submission deadline, it is not possible to make any corrections to the abstract content.
  • On Oct 1, 2023 you will receive the notification email whether your abstract was accepted or not.
  • Please make sure you have entered the full list of authors and that the information given for each author is correct.
  • The names of authors will be published as listed on the submission form.
  • The authors’ order and details will be published as entered by the submitter.
  • All abbreviations used must be written out at first use.
  • Abstracts must not exceed 400 words (excluding title and authors) and should be well structured stating: Aim/Introduction: Materials and Methods: Results: Conclusion: References: (if applicable)
  • Abstracts may not include graphics or pictures. Simple tables can be included for the review process but will be removed in all publications.
  • After expiry of the deadline (Oct 1, 2023) abstracts cannot be amended in any way.
  • Abstracts must not contain the following items: Trademarks. Use generic drug names.
  • The use of commercial drug names, brands and registered trademarks is strictly prohibited.
  • Drugs should be referred to by the active substance or pharmacological designation.
  • Trademarks of Medical Devices: Use generic names / descriptions. No commercial names or brands of medical devices should be mentioned. Company names and location Websites and email addresses Failure to comply with the above requirements will/may lead to automatic rejection of the submission or this information may be deleted by the abstract services and some rephrasing may occur.
  • The final selection will be made by the SSNMMI 2023 meeting Scientific Committee on Oct 1, 2023, and will determine the format, day and time of presentation for each abstract. Notification of Abstract Acceptance All abstract submitters will be notified by email on Oct 1, 2023 about the outcome (accepted or rejected) of the review and selection process.
  • No rescheduling or changes will be possible.
  • Please ensure that the email provided during submission is accurate as all correspondences will be sent via email.
  • Presenters are expected to speak good English. If the abstract is accepted, instructions and guidelines concerning the abstract presentation will be provided via email and online.
  • All expenses (airfare, hotel, registration fees….) associated with the submission and presentation of an abstract, are under the responsibility of the presenter.
  • Please note, upon abstract acceptance, presenters must complete conference registration and payment to confirm their presentation slot and to be included in the official conference program. unregistered presenters may risk removal from the conference schedule.
  • Abstract presenter will receive a certificate of presentation after the congress (when the presentation was held).

If you do need help with regarding your abstract submission, you can send your questions by this email faculty@SSNMMI-events.com